Perfectly Protected (wcgs)
Sometimes... God will just get in your way... simply... To PROTECT you!
Inside Or Outside (wcgs)
Often times people think of sin as being the obvious outside sins (the ones we can see), like sexual immorality, drunkenness, drugs, smoking etc... But in Scripture there are sins
When A Man Needs A Woman (wcgs)
Woman was taken from mans rib (See Genesis 2 vs 18 - 23 NIV). She was formed from the part of him that protects his heart (His Person) and his
Why Do You Worship (wcgs)
'Worship Me for Me, do not worship Me for you!' - God
Feed VS Feel (wcgs)
Feed on the Living Word; not letting your feelings feed on you! Live by faith not by feelings.
A ‘Selfish’ Saviour (wcgs)
When it comes to God's glory, He is selfish! 'I am the Lord ; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved
Be The Church! (wcgs)
Church, get your ACTS together!
Worship Him For Him (wcgs)
Fundamentally and primarily worship is not about you. You ought to worship even if you were to get nothing from it. It's so not about you that if you were
Turn Up The Volume (wcgs)
The space that things take up, that's volume. How much volume of Gods word dwells within you?
Meditate To Act (wcgs)
The depth and mysteries of the Gospel and God's limitless Word along with its true power will only be seen and experienced personally if you MEDITATE on the words you
Man Oh Man (wcgs)
There is a man-made 'gospel' out there and it is man-centered at its core.
Double Trouble (wcgs)
I've observed that many people want a double anointing but they ain't wanting to double their devotion! I am not talking about a formula here, but in principle, we should
Heavenly Word (wcgs)
I wonder why many people who have no desire for God's Word want to go to heaven. Everything else in this world will pass away but the Word of God
Who Do You Serve (wcgs)
Rather serve the Kingdom of God than any kingdom of man!
Give-A-Lot (wcgs)
God distributes His gifts for the building up of the church, so desire to be His delivery boy (or girl). Read 1 Corinthians 12 vs 4 (NIV) and 1 Corinthians
It’s Not About You (wcgs)
I have noticed that now days, we don’t sing 'Hymns' anymore; we sing 'Me’s'.Worship is not for you, nor about you; it is for Him and it is all about
It’s A Reality (wcgs)
The devil spends all his efforts in getting people to believe that he (satan) is not real and that He (God) is not real, whereas at the same time God
God’s Strategy (wcgs)
Jesus had a plan to build His church. In the upper room, he had them waiting and waiting IN PRAYER. The weren’t coming up with their strategies. They were not
Be Amazed – Expose The False (wcgs)
I am amazed that satan sends his wolves into the flock of sheep (the church). And this, for the purpose of destroying it.Yet, I am also amazed that God sends
Read, Say, Sing, Pray (wcgs)
When you don’t know what to read, read the Word.When you don’t know what to say, speak the Word.When you don’t know what to sing, sing the Word.When you don’t
What’s The Time? (wcgs)
God gave you the time you have; how dare you leave Him out of it... Dare not say that you have no time for God when He is the One