‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’
Jeremiah 29 vs 11 (NIV)
In loving memory of my beautiful mother-in-law, Olivia Greeff, who after a fierce fight lost her battle to cancer on Friday 1 April 2022. Words might not heal, but they certainly can help, so here are some words. I am honoured to have had her as a part of my life for the past 17 years and I am grateful to have penned these words to honour her and a life she lived so well. I will be forever, eternally grateful to God for her… the mother of my bride and the grandmother (aka Gigi) to my son. I will love and miss you forever Geeg! Here’s to you, unforgettable!
**This poem is protected by copyright law**
©2022 | Abide365 | Jarrod Moore | All Rights Reserved
I know you are sad
I know you will grieve
I know you’re in shock
And complete disbeliefBut remember this
I’m more alive now than ever before
For I have seen Him
I am with Him
I am like HimMy mind was like iron
My spirit as steel
My longing to stay with you was incredibly real
But my body was weak and just wouldn’t healYet remember this
I am more alive today than any before
For I have seen Him
I am with Him
I am like HimThe moment when I took my final breath
Was the same moment I crossed over the threshold of death
While my body lay there and my spirit had just left
It was in this moment
In the twinkling of an eye
That I became like Jesus and more fully alive,So remember this
I have never been so alive as I am right now
For I have seen Him
I am with Him
I am like Him
I no longer hurt
my pain is all gone
I am free
I am whole
And I sing a new songIt’s majestic here
Not an ounce of fear
Not a single tear
It’s Him
My Saviour
My Healer
My Everlasting RedeemerNow remember this
I am more alive now than I have been before
For I have seen Him
I am with Him
I am like HimNow to my husband
And my children
And my dear Malachi
I’ll see you again
so this ain’t my goodbye
BecauseWhat you hope for and pray for
I now fully see
It’s so much better than there
I want you all here with meSo I’m sending you my love
For one last time
You go be free
And enjoy your lifeDon’t hold back
No don’t be afraid
Because in due time
I’ll see you againAnd please remember
I am more alive now than I have ever been
For I have seen Him
I am with Him
I am like HimI love you
**This poem is protected by copyright law**
©2022 | Abide365 | Jarrod Moore | All Rights Reserved
Please contact the author for written permission should you wish to re-use.
About the author : Jarrod Moore
Jarrod is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, who is fully devoted to the Word of God. Jarrod is married to Tamzyn and together they have one awesome boy, Malachi Josiah.