I do trust that as you watch this video you will be challenged and encouraged to pursue Christ on a much deeper level, to be known by Him and to then Take A Stand for Him, Totally, Absolutely Surrendered to Him! The Word of God is timeless and for this reason I pray it will bless you.
For many who do not know, I have had the privilege of doing mission work in India since 2008. I have gone to multiple places on many occasions over the years and have experienced too many things to share them all at once. However, now with the focus of Abide365 and the opportunity to share all God has done and is doing, I have finally decided to share this video from the ‘archive’ of my ministry.
This particular message was preached ‘open air’ to a youth group in an area called Guntur in the state of Andhra Pradesh. India is a hectic place and you will be able to tell by the noise and other things you hear in the video. It is a nation filled with idolatry, deception, demonic oppression and a starving people who are perishing in sin and are desperately in need of Jesus Christ. I have been here to Guntur a few times and believe that the door will open again for me to go back one day (and anyone else who might hear the call).
The video is edited to cut out the translation from English into Telugu (the local language), and as much other noise as possible too. Either way, I have done my best to bring the message to you now as well. I have added subtitles to better understand and then at the end of the video is where I pray for the youth and others who attended. My prayer remains the same for you as you watch the video and meditate on His Word.
And lastly, feel free to comment or share – https://youtu.be/tPpgWshG-KQ
About the author : Jarrod Moore
Jarrod is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, who is fully devoted to the Word of God. Jarrod is married to Tamzyn and together they have one awesome boy, Malachi Josiah.