Decisions Or Disciples? (wcgs)
What are we called to make? 'Disciples' not 'Decisions'. 'Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been
Compromising Christ (wcgs)
You keep the Gospel pure before God's people when you live by faith and do not compromise by living according to the law. Read Galatians 2 vs 5 AMP
Watch Your Back Or Be Brought Back (wcgs)
There are people who will be jealous of the freedom you have been given in Jesus, and in their jealousy will try bring you into their bondage. Be alert and
Questions To Ask Yourself (wcgs)
Read Nehemiah 8When was the last time you made your ears attentive to the Word of the Lord? When last did hearing the Word of the Lord give you great
What You Got? (wcgs)
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” - Hebrews 13 vs 16 (ESV) You cannot share what you don't have, but
Tooty Fruity (wcgs)
True joy is the consistent expression of contentment and excitement and passion and trust and faith and hope, regardless of whether your life displays a winter or summer season. Having
Desire Discernment (wcgs)
With Job: (See from Job 4 onwards)His friends said it was God who was punishing him because of his sin... but it was Satan attacking. With the blind man: (John
Living In The Light
Today marks an anniversary for me... Allow me to explain, be somewhat vulnerable but also very honest. Exactly a year ago today I found myself sitting under some seriously heavy
Revealed To Reveal (wcgs)
Christ has been revealed to you, so that you can reveal Him to others. The all important question to ask yourself is, 'How well am I revealing Christ to those
A Master’s Plan (wcgs)
God formed you for a calling, not a calling for you! You were not to be born and thereafter God decide what to do with you. He knew who you'd
Teachable & Correctable (wcgs)
It seems that correction is never a once-off occurrence. “If you get more stubborn every time you are corrected, one day you will be crushed and never recover.” - Proverbs
The ‘If’ & ‘Then’ Condition (wcgs)
Proverbs 2 (NLT) FIRST: Verse 1-3 If you Listen, Treasure, Cry Out, Ask, Search, Seek... THEN: Verse 9-11 You will Gain Understanding, Find Direction, Wisdom & Knowledge will enter and
Be Happy (wcgs)
When you are not happy with yourself, you won't or can't be happy with others! Jesus said it this way: '...‘You shall love your neighbor AS yourself...’' Matthew 22 vs
Be On Your Regard (wcgs)
Be on guard for the regard you have toward your sin, or else the only thing you could hear from God is, 'I can't hear you'. 'If I regard sin
An Ambassador
Do you want to be used to heal others for the glory of God? If so, be a faithful ambassador!We are called to be ambassador's for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20,
For Freedom Sake (wcgs)
Read Luke 8:1-2 (NIV) Mary Magdalene was mentioned/referred to in Scripture as a woman who had 7 demons cast out of her... Jesus doesn't see this deliverance as something to
Radical Act of Grace (wcgs)
Whether for one sin or for every sin, a radical act was necessary. We are all radically saved regardless how dark our past is. If it was for one sin
Something Different (wcgs)
Be different today and read Psalm 101 in many different versions. It will make a difference.
Follow In Faith (wcgs)
Following requires immediate obedience, even when we do not understand. As you follow in faith, you will become, believe and trust. Two scenarios given in Scripture show us this and
Persepctive In His Presence (wcgs)
Let's follow the example of Jesus to spend time in our Father's presence. It's when you dwell WITH God in His presence that you will see things you wouldn't otherwise
I ‘Noah’ It All (wcgs)
Be EXACTLY like Noah! Read Genesis 6 to understand the context to 'Noahing-it-all' Noah could hear EXACTLY what God was saying because he was in close fellowship.God speaks but only