An Open Mind (wcgs)
'Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you,
A True Faith Is A Shared Faith (wcgs)
“I am writing to Titus, my true son in the faith that we share. May God the Father and Christ
A Life Worth Living (wcgs)
'Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the
Truth And Lies (wcgs)
“If people are causing divisions among you, give a first and second warning. After that, have nothing more to do
Cultural Conformity (wcgs)
Read Daniel 3 vs 8-18 (ESV) One must always be very careful to discern the culture around them. In Daniel
Weary Of Worry (wcgs)
Be encouraged to become weary of worry, for worry cannot add even 5 minutes to your life, but it will
Be Fast To Fast (wcgs)
If there was ever a spiritual discipline that is lacking or quite misunderstood, I would say it is the discipline
Walking By Faith (wcgs)
'For we walk by faith, not by sight.' 2 Corinthians 5 vs 7 (NKJV) Walking by faith, in faith and
In The Middle (wcgs)
When God is the center then all we do is as a result of that but when God is not
Two ‘3 Step Processes’ (wcgs)
Read James 1 vs 14 - 16 ESV Sin in man has a purpose and it also has a process...
Happiness Or Joy (wcgs)
Read Hebrews 12 vs 2 NIV 'For the joy set before him...' Joy is not the same as happiness.Joy is
3P’s (wcgs)
Praying precedes patience...See Romans 12 vs 12 GNB
Do You Worry About Worry? (wcgs)
Worry cannot add 5 mins to your life, but it can take 5 away! Read Matthew 6 vs 27 GNB
The Call & Covenant (wcgs)
When we obey God's word of call and covenant, the blessings we receive far outweigh everything we must give up!
Open Up (wcgs)
“And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:” - Matthew 5 vs 2 ESV If Jesus had to open his mouth,
Be Like Ananias (wcgs)
Read Acts 9 Vs 9 - 19 GNB God asked Ananias to pray for Saul (Paul), but he had fear
Prayer Worrier (wcgs)
Let's be honest, this is by far one of the most challenging Scriptures within the Word of God. Become a Prayer
Better Or Worse (wcgs)
There is nothing better than when God speaks to man, and there is nothing worse than when man doesn’t listen.
Forget Forcing Fruit (wcgs)
Situations do not determine the fruit, they only expose the fruit. The fruits of the Spirit are not conditional to
Killing Gluttony (wcgs)
A thought that often challenges me...Whenever you overeat, you might think you are doing it to live, but in reality you
How To Treat Sin (wcgs)
One major and very important way in which to treat your sin is to never make a treaty with it.
Spouse In Your House (wcgs)
My love for my spouse truly reveals what I know and understand to be true about Jesus Christ, all of
Propelled VS Pulled (wcgs)
The woman or man you choose to marry is one of the most significant and vital decisions you will ever
Decisions Or Disciples? (wcgs)
What are we called to make? 'Disciples' not 'Decisions'. 'Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power