Prophetic Or Pathetic (wcgs)
Make sure it is a PROPHETIC word and not a PATHETIC word.
Recognise (wcgs)
Today, many people have such a weak knowledge of the Scriptures and what it teaches about Jesus, that if Jesus had to appear before them, they wouldn't recognise him at
Gift Wrapped Promises (wcgs)
Every individual promise given to an individual person from the Word of God is wrapped up in the promise first given to the body of believers (the church).
Bondage (wcgs)
Do not let anyone else's bondage keep you in bondage. Live free.
Secret Sins (wcgs)
Our sin has been made public already. If Christ died publicly for our sin, how dare we not confess our sin publicly (to others who we trust). Our sin and
For To Us (wcgs)
Being Born-Again is not what we do/did FOR God, but rather what God did TO us. Read John 3 vs 3-8 (NIV)
Counter Cultural (wcgs)
The only thing that was of popularity in the culture of Jesus's time that he followed... was Roman crucifixion and the way of the cross. The Romans crucified people publicly
Accepted So Accept It (wcgs)
Now we are to live at peace with all men as far as it depends on us, yes. But if there is something I do or say which pleases God,
Low Standards (wcgs)
Do not lower your standards! Doing or saying anything other than the example of Christ (and what is taught in the Bible) is to lower your standards.
Make Space (wcgs)
Does the Word of God have place in you? “I know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in
Reason To Pray & Fast (wcgs)
There are some demons that are just too happy that you do not engage in biblical fasting, for when you don’t you do not possess the authority to tell them
In Or Out (wcgs)
Love is not something you fall into, but rather something you live out.
Frustration (wcgs)
If God uses exile to get His people to wake up to reality, then He can/will use frustration too. He has had to remind me of this many times. We
His Heart (wcgs)
Don't preach your heart out, preach God's heart out.
Unashamed (wcgs)
Like Paul, we are to be UNASHAMED of the Gospel (Romans 1 vs 16 KJV) God's Good News must follow bad news. If you do not proceed with bad news,
Identify Your Intimacy (wcgs)
Judas looked like he had intimacy with Christ because he was the one to kiss him, but inwardly that kiss was the act of betrayal. Make sure your inward commitment
Company = Character (wcgs)
The company you keep, is the character you become. 'Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”' - 1 Corinthians 15 vs 33 (NIV)
God Is Perfect (wcgs)
God is perfect... perfect in that there is nothing wrong with Him. Nothing can be done to Him to make Him not perfect, but more so that nothing good can
Hot Or Hotter (wcgs)
Now this might seem weird to post, but nonetheless I want to share.I recently having a conversation with a guy who claims to be a follower of Christ. While chatting,
Go In, To Get Out (wcgs)
'Therefore, come now, and I will send you TO Pharaoh, and then bring My people, the children of Israel, OUT of Egypt.”' - Exodus 3 vs 10 (AMP) God does
With Sequences (wcgs)
The true test as to whether you believe that God is a Faithful God and will fulfil His promises is if you rejoice in the fact the He will pour