Happiness Or Joy (wcgs)
Read Hebrews 12 vs 2 NIV 'For the joy set before him...' Joy is not the same as happiness.Joy is a fruit, happiness is an emotion. Jesus proves that you
Living In The Light
Today marks an anniversary for me... Allow me to explain, be somewhat vulnerable but also very honest. Exactly a year ago today I found myself sitting under some seriously heavy
Hot Or Hotter (wcgs)
Now this might seem weird to post, but nonetheless I want to share.I recently having a conversation with a guy who claims to be a follower of Christ. While chatting,
Go In, To Get Out (wcgs)
'Therefore, come now, and I will send you TO Pharaoh, and then bring My people, the children of Israel, OUT of Egypt.”' - Exodus 3 vs 10 (AMP) God does
With Sequences (wcgs)
The true test as to whether you believe that God is a Faithful God and will fulfil His promises is if you rejoice in the fact the He will pour
Frightening (wcgs)
The eternal consequences of an everlasting hell ought to frighten you from the temporary pleasures of sin.
The Great Exchange (wcgs)
It's not so much that we are to receive Christ as much as it is Him who is to receive us.It's not so much as for us to give our
Hotter Than Hell (wcgs)
You ought to be so hot on fire for Jesus that the devil would rather stay in hell, for it would be cooler there for him than to come near
Do Not Withhold Mercy (wcgs)
When you withhold mercy, everything that is withheld while giving mercy, is then poured out! #WOW 'For judgment WILL BE merciless to one who has shown no mercy; but [to
Eternal Being (wcgs)
To believe that once your body dies you become no-existent, is to deny the very core of your being. God has set eternity in your heart/spirit. See Ecclesiastes 12 vs
Nailed To The Cross (wcgs)
"And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting
Evangelism Today (wcgs)
My Observation: Evangelism today has become so misconstrued. Many believe evangelism to be when we simply invite someone to a church service. I have asked a number of people (leaders)
Evangelize Today (wcgs)
Horse And Cart (wcgs)
There is a saying that goes like this, "Do not put the cart before the horse." I cannot but think how applicable this is to salvation. Allow me to rephrase
Faith Alone (wcgs)
The one criminal hanging next to Jesus while on the cross had faith without works yet entered paradise! He went to heaven having done nothing but believing in Jesus. Faith
Take Stock (wcgs)
If you knew a person whom, you are angry with, had unforgiveness toward, offended or (fill in the blank) ________________ was going to die in a days time, what would
Repent And Believe (video)
Don’t Go To Hell! (wcgs)
Even the unsaved would preach 'Don't Go To Hell' if they had an inkling as to its nature.
A Lost Attitude (wcgs)
We should not be irritated with lost people for being lost... Remember from where you have come. Do we truly love the lost? Does your life and your words reveal
Happy Day (wcgs)
Jesus Culture has a song called 'Happy Day' which speaks of the greatest day in history. Listen to the song and then be encouraged by the words that follow.
Ready? Steady? Gone! (wcgs)
Would you be ready as well as excited, if Christ had to come back RIGHT NOW, and with two words on His lips... 'TIME UP'?