Truth And Lies (wcgs)
“If people are causing divisions among you, give a first and second warning. After that, have nothing more to do with them. For people like that have turned away from
Cultural Conformity (wcgs)
Read Daniel 3 vs 8-18 (ESV) One must always be very careful to discern the culture around them. In Daniel 3, we read where King Nebuchadnezzar demanded the people conform
Two ‘3 Step Processes’ (wcgs)
Read James 1 vs 14 - 16 ESV Sin in man has a purpose and it also has a process... a 3 step process.It takes time for sin to accomplish
Happiness Or Joy (wcgs)
Read Hebrews 12 vs 2 NIV 'For the joy set before him...' Joy is not the same as happiness.Joy is a fruit, happiness is an emotion. Jesus proves that you
How To Treat Sin (wcgs)
One major and very important way in which to treat your sin is to never make a treaty with it. Do not make a treaty with sin! To do so,
Be On Your Regard (wcgs)
Be on guard for the regard you have toward your sin, or else the only thing you could hear from God is, 'I can't hear you'. 'If I regard sin
Unashamed (wcgs)
Like Paul, we are to be UNASHAMED of the Gospel (Romans 1 vs 16 KJV) God's Good News must follow bad news. If you do not proceed with bad news,
The World Or His Word? (wcgs)
Judas had the worries of the world take root before the Word, it was easier to betray Jesus after having already betrayed His Word! Do not neglect the Word of
Relevance Or Reliance (wcgs)
Relevance (to culture) OR Reliance (on Christ). It is either or, not both... Choose wisely!
The Roots Are What Shoots! (wcgs)
You can dye your hair but whatever is in the root will shoot and will in time be revealed. In the same way... what's in your life will be revealed
Questioning & Doubt (wcgs)
There is a difference between questioning and doubt. Questioning is to attain knowledge, doubt is to rob you of any.
What Is Repentance? (wcgs)
Very simply said, repentance is a turning away from unbelief and sin, and a turning toward faith in Christ and holy living through Him. Here is what is key to
Mass Destruction (wcgs)
As a sheep in the pastures amongst God's people... The greatest weapon of mass destruction is the sin you allow to dwell in your life. And if you are a
Reason To Read – To Know? (wcgs)
'Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because YOU DO NOT KNOW the Scriptures or the power of God?' - Mark 12 vs 24 NIV
Proof You Understand (wcgs)
Wisdom is this: Living HONOURABLY and working HUMBLY. This PROVES you actually understand Gods ways. Read James 3 vs 13 NIV
As You Claim Or As He Came?
'He came to that which was His own [that which belonged to Him--His world, His creation, His possession], and those who were His own [people--the Jewish nation] did not receive
Ability VS Priority (wcgs)
I would argue that one of the most important lessons / things to learn to do in life is to say 'No' when necessary. You could very well have the
Tick Tock (wcgs)
Ticking time bombs need to be diffused in marriage! These ticking time bombs are the little foxes that come in to destroy the vine, it's undiscussed matters and unexpressed emotions.
Make Right, Make Room (wcgs)
If strangers can sleep in the same bed, then you can sleep in the same bed as your husband or wife. #NoSarcasm #DontFight #MakeRight #MakeRoom and #MakeRoomInTheBedroom
Generational Challenge (wcgs)
One of the greatest challenges my generation faces is having to teach the unteachable (those who do not want [or refuse] to be taught).
A Proper Perspective (wcgs)
Don't feel good about overcoming temptation as though you are strong and now you earned good standing with Christ. It is only because of Christ that you had any ability