On a path that leads to nothing, no reward no one can find;
You will see two men leading each other, both of them completely blind;
On a path that leads to heart ache, only destruction and despair;
You will see two men leading each other, where the Christian wouldn’t dare;
On a path that leads to a wide gate, which many will go through;
You will see two men leading each other, but now you see that one of them is you;
And the person you walking with – satan…
On a path that leads to hopelessness, where many can be found;
You will see two men leading each other, but now you’ve turned around;
On a path that leads to love and joy, where with God you’ll be forever;
You will see two men leading, instead one following the other;
On a path that gives you hope, and truly sets you free;
You will see two men leading, both these men can see;
On this path that you have taken, you have truly found new life,
or is that on this path you turned around on, another man found you;
And his name – Jesus Christ?
About the author : Jarrod Moore
Jarrod is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, who is fully devoted to the Word of God. Jarrod is married to Tamzyn and together they have one awesome boy, Malachi Josiah.